Aegon swoops for Widows workplace savings head

Aegon UK has appointed Martin Trenchard as employee benefit consultant (EBC) director for workplace, responsible for developing, broadening and strengthening relationships with EBCs across the UK.

Trenchard has more than 20 years of experience in the workplace savings industry and the EBC market place, having led the business development team in the consultancy space at Standard Life as head of business development (EBC), prior to becoming head of corporate relationships and a member of the UK distribution executive.

In the last two years, Martin has consulted at Scottish Widows to lead the integration of the Scottish Widows and Zurich Workplace Savings business development and client relationship teams.

Trenchard started in mid-January and reports into Nick Roy, distribution director for workplace at Aegon.

Aegon UK managing director of workplace Linda Whorlow says: “I am delighted Martin has joined the Aegon Workplace team. His years and breadth of experience will be a powerful contribution as we continue to drive the development of our Workplace business forward.

“He has joined a talented team during a really significant time.”

Trenchard says: “It is a privilege to be joining Aegon at such an exciting time – with the acquisition of Blackrock complete, Aegon’s ambition is to become the leading provider of Workplace savings in the UK and I look forward to being part of that journey.

“Aegon has a genuine workplace savings history and pedigree and my team will be focused on further strengthening our relationships across the EBC market place.”

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