Hutchinson to lead Pointon York growth plan

Hutchinson has over 20 years’ experience in a variety of general management roles in human resources and change management. Over the last nine years he has specialised in implementing and developing flexible benefits strategy. He is the author of two reference books: Tolley’s Flexible Benefits – Practical Guide and the Chartered Institute of Personnel Development’s Executive Guide to Flexible Benefits.

In his new role Hutchinson will be responsible for developing and marketing corporate Sipps.

Prior to joining Pointon York Sipp Solutions as head of corporate Sipp sales, Hutchinson worked at benefit consultants Mercer, AWD and Jardine Lloyd Thompson. Hallett says: “When we launched our corporate Sipp we invented the group Sipp, which is now being widely copied by many in the industry.

“We have implemented corporate Sipps for a range of businesses who want to provide an improved, flexible and independent pension benefit for their employees and enquiries from companies looking for alternative pension plans for their employees are increasing. We firmly believe that the corporate Sipp is the best solution for ensuring large numbers of employees have a decent pension, as part of their wealth creation strategy.

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