Lifetime ISAs – International Evidence

By Fiona Tait, Pensions Specialist

Since the announcement in March, the Lifetime ISA (LISA) has attracted controversy. Heralded as a saviour for the self-employed and the young wanting to get on the housing ladder, the new LISA risks adding confusion for savers trying to fully understand the benefits of new workplace pension savings through auto-enrolment.

To better understand how the LISA could work with the current UK pensions system, Royal London sponsored independent research by the Pensions Policy Institute (PPI) to examine the international evidence of how early access savings schemes worked in other countries.

The PPI research examined evidence from five countries – the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Singapore – and compared similar propositions in those countries to the proposed  LISA available in the UK from April 2017.

Royal London fed into the research through a panel debate which included representatives from the Treasury, DWP, ABI and Personal Finance Society, among others, which helped inform the final research Briefing Note,Lifetime ISAs – international evidence’.

The findings raised a number of key issues about the impact of the LISA on long-term savings in the UK that will need to be addressed before they are launched.


For more information: The Pensions Policy Institute (PPI) is an educational research charity, which provides non-political, independent comment and analysis on policy on pensions and retirement income provision in the UK. Its aim is to improve the information and understanding about pensions policy and retirement income provision through research and analysis, discussion and publication. Further information on the PPI is available on its website:

The Pensions Policy Institute’s previous briefing note on the LISA, ‘Lifetime ISAs: pension complement or rival’.

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