New guide to Transferring to a Master Trust: download your copy

Today the number of single-employer DC trust schemes in existence is already less than half that of a decade ago, yet TPR data shows more than £33bn remains outside authorised master trusts, without including DB/DC hybrids. Meanwhile, the message from the regulator is that scheme consolidation generally leads to better outcomes. The opportunity for employers with single-employer trust schemes to switch to lower-cost yet in many cases better- run master trusts is vast.

The Corporate Adviser Guide to Transferring to a Master Trust covers all stages of the transfer process – the size of the market, reasons for switching, factors to bear in mind when choosing a new provider, alternatives such as GPP, communication strategies, a timeline for transfers and insights and perspectives from TPR, advisers, lawyers and trustees.

Click to view the Corporate Adviser Guide to Transferring to a Master Trust 2020, published in association with Scottish Widows.

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