The total deaths from Covid-19 are likely to be around 60,000, double the official number according to longevity experts Club Vita.
This actuarial and insurance organisation says that delays and omissions in reporting the data, mean the ‘true’ mortality figures from coronavirus are already likely to be far higher than the figures published by the government.
Club Vita head of innovation Steven Baxter says: “Despite the briefings now including both hospital deaths and deaths in the community where the individual has tested positive Covid-19, it is sad to say that underreporting is still an issue.
“To explain, there are a significant number of death certificates which note Covid-19 as contributory cause of death. The latest information from the Office of National Statistics confirms, this and suggests that the true toll for deaths directly related to Covid-19 is likely to be around 40,000.
“However since early April we have also seen unseasonably high levels of deaths which make no mention of Covid-19; around 3,000 higher each week than usual for this time of year.
“Putting all this together means that the combined direct and indirect and loss of life from Covid-19 may now be 60,000; double the official number.”