Aegon has introduced a new digital hub and launch events to help employers roll out a new pension scheme to employees.
This new digital service is being launched in partnership with engagement specialists Pension Geeks.
This digital offering is designed to complement Aegon’s traditional worksite pension engagement and launch events.
The digital hub contains information to ensure employees have all relevant details of the new pension scheme, as well as information about retirement saving, financial wellbeing and where to access further guidance and advice.
Aegon says the initial roll out of a pension scheme creates opportunities for engagement and this new package of services is designed to help employers make the most of this event.
The new hub will be rolled out to some of Aegon’s largest workplace schemes within the next 12 months. Co-branded with the employer, the virtual launch events and the digital hub will be promoted by Aegon and each employer to all employees and include:
- A week of live and interactive activity hosted by Pension Geeks about pension basics and where to seek guidance and advice. This will be recorded and made available to employees for the following week.
- A digital hub providing a suite of information to help engage members with the idea of saving for retirement. This also enables them to see the value in the pension their employer is providing.
- Scheme specific educational content from both Aegon and Pensions Geeks including videos to help members understand the scheme set up, investments, and articles about financial wellbeing as well as an announcement video from the employer’s HR director.
- There will also be bookable slots for live webinars or a guidance call for employees depending on their needs.
Aegon managing director of workplace business Linda Whorlow says: “The pandemic has temporarily moved our face-to-face worksite events online, which has been a great shame. But it hasn’t stopped us reaching our customers and making the most of the all-important initial roll out of the pension.
“We’ve delivered over 400 presentations to more than 15,000 attendees this year. We’ve now created the digital hub to ensure we are offering extensive support to employers and their members during this challenging time.
“Employees will still get the experience and the information they would have through a worksite event but the beauty of being digital is – they will be able to do it at a time that suits them. The biggest benefit for the employer of offering a digital solution is that they will be able to reach a lot more employees in the process.”