Broadstone launches new end-game guide for trustees

Consultancy firm Broadstone has published a new guide for pension schemes setting out the detailed pros and cons of different end-game options when it comes to the long-term settlement of their liabilities. 

It said this was in response to the dramatically improved funding landscape in recent years, with schemes now having a number of new options available to them. 

This has seen renewed impetus on end-game planning it said. The new guide, Settlement options for pension schemes,  covers: 

Broadstone head of consulting and actuarial Nigel Jones says: “We firmly believe there is room in the market, and demand from schemes, for a whole range of competing solutions.

“We welcome the developments in the risk settlement space as outlined in our report: innovation and increased capacity from insurers, the introduction of commercial consolidators and the potential launch of the public sector consolidation (PSC) are all encouraging news for sponsors and trustees of DB schemes looking to secure benefits.

“A PSC would be a welcome addition and part of the solutions set for a very large market. In our view it could be structured to leverage the experience and scale of the PPF, benefit the wider economy, result in more competitive pricing and ultimately lead to materially better member outcomes.”

In total Broadstone, advises over 500 clients and holds one of the largest number of scheme actuary appointments in the UK.

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