Grid works with government departments and regulators involved in legislation and regulation affecting group risk benefits, as well as other organisations involved in the benefits and financial protection arenas. Through a collective voice to Government, policymakers, stakeholders and employers, the organisation promotes group risk and the value it can add.
Grid chairman Steve Bridger says: “I never tire of hearing how much value our members get from GRiD, be this from insight into what’s happening in the industry and future trends through to access to our research and events. Grid is great in supporting its members and each one also makes a valuable contribution. We offer a very warm welcome to Health Assured and look forward to working together.”
Health Assured chief executive officer David Price says: “At Health Assured, we are continuously looking at how we can develop our proposition and further our knowledge to benefit our clients.
“By becoming a member of Grid we now have access to the latest developments and informed viewpoint within the group risk sector, and as a result have the opportunity to influence group risk policymaking.”