Insurers welcome ‘Keep Britain Working’ report

The insurance industry welcomed the initial findings of a Government-backed report into ill-heath and economic inactivity in the UK. 

The Department of Work & Pensions has commissioned an ongoing “Keep Britain Working” review, headed up by Sir Charlie Mayfield. It published a discovery report today, setting out the characteristics and drivers of rising levels of ill health and economic inactivity in the UK. 

The report also outlines where there is the greatest potential for employers and government to make a difference, with key areas of interest which will frame the engagement phase of the review. As part of this it has said it wants to hear from the wider insurance and protection industry, for the next stage of its report, which will look to propose potential courses of action to government to address this issue.

Aviva said it was pleased to see that this discovery phase report recognised that prevention, retention, early intervention, and rapid rehabilitation in the workplace are likely to be the most effective remedies for the UK’s economic inactivity problem over time.

It said it was working actively with the review, and its managing director of Aviva Health Steve Bridger attending the roundtable event today to discuss findings. 

Bridger says: “The next stage of the review will explore best practice interventions and case management. The vocational rehabilitation model provided via insurance to support people to return to work after ill-health absence aligns with these goals.

“It uses a case management approach, brings in clinical and vocational experts, and works with both the employer and employee to agree on workplace adjustments, regularly review progress, and ensure appropriate support is in place to help them stay at work.”

He adds: “We believe that in times of financial challenges, the government can achieve improvements in workplace health by asking large employers to be transparent about their workplace health support. For smaller employers, there should be a national Health at Work standard and better access to guidance on best practices.

“This approach would enhance workplace health standards by making them open-source and competitive for larger employers, while providing smaller employers with a benchmark to aim for, along with appropriate support.”

Unum head of product proposition Clare Lusted adds: “The Discovery phase report validates what we’ve long championed: early intervention, case management and vocational rehabilitation are the pillars of a healthier and more productive workforce. The group risk industry knows that these principles play a vital role in helping people stay in or return to work. This also aligns with the recent Commission for Healthier Working Lives Report and Liz Kendall’s call yesterday for a ‘decisive shift towards prevention and early intervention’ with the publication of the DWP Pathways to Work Green Paper.

“The path to an 80 per cent employment rate demands collaboration between the government and group isk insurance providers. Unum’s Group Income Protection rehabilitation service, with its 97 per cent success rate, proves that prevention and early intervention change lives, benefit businesses and have a positive impact on wider society.

“We welcome the chance to share our insights, expertise and experience of the individuals and businesses we support with Sir Charlie Mayfield in the next phase of the Get Britain Working Review and work towards unlocking future workforce potential.”

This approach to the wider insurance industry was welcomed by the Association of British Insurers. The ABI director of health and protection policy Yvonne Braun says: “Sir Charlie Mayfield’s report is a welcome step forward in tackling long-term ill health and its impact on economic inactivity. Its focus on prevention, early intervention, rehabilitation, and return-to-work planning offers a practical framework to strengthen workplace health and the UK’s economy.

“Employer-provided health and protection insurance is highly effective in keeping people healthy and in work and has a crucial role to play in supporting these objectives. We look forward to engaging further on this review with Sir Charlie and his review team, government, employers and our members to support a healthy workforce and thriving economy.”

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