L&G welcomes new Long Covid guidance


Legal & General Insurance has welcomed the new guidance from the National Institute for Clinical Excellence (Nice) which provides GPs and clinicians with recommendations on treating Long Covid in line with the most recent evidence. 

As a group income protection insurer L&G says it is important the industry keeps up to speed with these recommendations to ensure services in the private sector complement public sector support as far as possible. 

L&G Insurance medical officer Dr Tarun Gupta says: “Following careful analysis of the guidelines, it’s clear that our newly designed programme does that, with the potential to help relieve pressure on NHS rehabilitation services in the process. 

“Our programme helps meet the typical psychological and physical needs of those classified by NICE as having Ongoing Symptomatic Covid-19, a group that is not explicitly or necessarily being served by the NHS in this way at present.”

He adds: “Legal & General’s income protection claims management approach is based on early intervention, proactive case management and rehabilitation where appropriate, with the ultimate outcome being to help support the individual back into the workplace. 

“Because our Long Covid support kicks in early, following an absence of four to six weeks, it dovetails nicely with public sector services. 

“This fills a current void where individuals would otherwise be unable to access such services. The NICE guidelines indicate that referral into the NHS for multi-disciplinary assessment via the NHS’ newly commissioned specialist clinics is from 12 weeks onwards.


“Our Long Covid support package, which includes up to eight hours of bespoke therapy and rehabilitation sessions, is designed to capture as many people as possible, providing a level of support at an early stage that is clinically appropriate. 

“If symptoms persist beyond 12 weeks, deeper and broader therapeutic input – appropriate for the challenges faced by this group – is then available via the NHS post Covid-19 clinics.”


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