TPR publishes master trust authorisation code of practice
The code, which is out for consultation until May 8, outlines how master trusts will be expected to meet the new authorisation criteria and what they will need to evidence for TPR...
The code, which is out for consultation until May 8, outlines how master trusts will be expected to meet the new authorisation criteria and what they will need to evidence for TPR...
A poll of 691 senior decision makers by Now: Pensions found 28 per cent did not know contributions are increasing, and 42 per cent were unaware of the scale of the increase....
The checklist of factors a consultant or adviser must weigh up when deciding whether a scheme or provider is delivering value for money is a lengthy one. Is cheapest always best? Are...
With both The Pensions Regulator (TPR) and Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) turning the heat up on workplace pensions, the issue of value for money has never been higher up the agenda. As...
The number of trust-based schemes has more than halved since 2010, but master trust membership has increased by a factor of 40 in five years, according to the Pensions Regulator's annual DC...
As tougher regulation forces consolidation, small master trusts will learn the hard way that they are not as commercially attractive as they might think, warns Aviva head of workplace pensions Dominic Fryer...
Millions of savers in auto-enrolment default funds are experiencing significantly lower levels of risk-adjusted return because of the wide variance in structure of master trust and life office investment strategies, Corporate Adviser...
The Government has published a list of five new tests master trust pension schemes will need to meet in order to continue operating. Publishing new master trust regulations today, the Department for...
Trustees must be able to compare master trust performance to discern their true value. Costs alone can’t be the sole selection criteria, says AllianceBernstein portfolio manager, EMEA multi-asset solutions Karen Watkin Master...
Some master trusts are taking too much risk in the run-up to retirement while others are being too cautious in the growth phase, leading to potentially poorer outcomes, a Hymans Robertson report...