Vitality launches new service for SMEs

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VitalityHealth has launched a new PMI proposition for small to medium-sized businesses. 

Its Vitality at Work option allows these businesses to extend preventative healthcare services and outcomes information to their entire workforce, not just those covered by PMI. 

This includes access to a private virtual GP, physiotherapy services and a range of mental health support and treatment. Those using this service will also have access to Vitality’s lifestyle benefits and rewards programme, which includes discounts on gym membership and activity trackers.

Employers will also be able to access information on their workforce’s health through Vitality Healthchecks and Vitality Age — a measure that uses aspects of a person’s wellness, such as exercise levels and nutrition, to assess how healthy they are, relative to their actual age.

The company says this plan aims help employers address some of the leading causes of absence across the workforce, and enable them to support their staff in leading healthier lives. 

Clients who cover at least 10 of their employees with full PMI will be able to select this option for their remaining workforce at a cost of just  £7.50 per person per month.

Vitality’s managing directors, sales and distribution Greg Levine says: “From our own experience and research we know that when employers engage staff in their health and wellbeing, they see significant increases in productivity.

“With sickness related absence and presenteeism costing British businesses and the economy billions of pounds in 2019, it’s vital businesses look at how they can support their staff live healthier lives and Vitality at Work has the potential to be instrumental in this.”

Vitality’s annual Britain’s Healthiest Workplace consistently shows a strong correlation between the lifestyle choices that employees make, their physical and mental health, and how they perform at work.

In 2019 the study found that the top businesses in terms of employee health and wellbeing demonstrated productivity loss 40 per cent lower than the least healthy.


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