ABI: £30 NI GIP break would save Govt £220m
A £30 per employee flat rate reduction in National Insurance could see a further 1.5m UK workers covered by group income protection and save the Government £220m over 5 years, says the...
A £30 per employee flat rate reduction in National Insurance could see a further 1.5m UK workers covered by group income protection and save the Government £220m over 5 years, says the...
Voluntary benefit discount offers are actually making financial resilience worse, not better says Wealth Wizards account director Philip Blows Speaking to companies about the reward strategies they should put in place for...
The election of Donald Trump as President of the United States has boosted defined benefit funding levels by £35bn, offsetting some of the negative impact on deficits caused by Brexit, research from...
Protection benefits should get the same salary sacrifice advantages as pensions says Canada Life Group Insurance scheme underwriting specialist Alan Sparks Since the Olympics have finished I have spent a lot of...
Aviva is partnering with Care First to offer access to its ‘EAP In Your Pocket’ app, which will be available to Aviva’s new and existing Group Income Protection clients from 1st January...
Tom Gaynor, MetLife Resilience training should play a major role in helping organisations to support employees and to boost productivity says MetLife Colleagues not doing their jobs properly is the major cause...
Last November’s announcement that new Lloyds Banking Group chief executive Antonio Horta-Osorio was being signed off work to recover from extreme fatigue left businesses in no doubt of the potential costs of...