Westfield Health is looking to boost employee activity levels, and so increase workplace productivity.
As the group points out low levels of activity can have a negative impact on health and wellbeing in the workplace. To this end the company’s head of coaching Mark Pinches has provided tips for employees on the most effective time to exercise.
He recommends that employees get at least 150 minutes of ‘moderate’ exercise a week. He says: “This is enough to see a positive impact on performance and energy levels whilst at work.
“Exercising can build focus, releases stress and improves mood, so it’s important to try to fit in at least 20 minutes into our routine each day.”
Westfield Health recommends that employers encourage this by implementing schemes and activities such as sports days or step challenges.
For those short of time, commuting on foot or taking walking meetings can boost activity levels without compromising work levels, he adds.
Pinches adds that there is no “optimum” time to exercise, much will depend on an individual’s routine. However he adds: “It’s important to try to stick to the same time every day. Try to find a realistic time to exercise instead of struggling to achieve something that isn’t sustainable.”
He says more should be done to avoid employees sitting down for hours on end. He says: “This can have long-lasting health effects, even if people are taking regular exercise.
“Regular breaks not only improve our physical wellbeing, it can help to increase productivity and reduce absenteeism at work.”